
Kingswood School - Covid-19 Response


The Proprietor, Headmaster and all staff at Kingswood School take their responsibilities with regard to the covid-19 situation very seriously.


The Proprietor and Headmaster have taken good note of advice and guidance given by the Department for Education (DfE), the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Public Health England (PHE) and the relevant Local Authorities (LAs).  In addition, we have taken good note of advice given by the professional teachers’ and head teachers’ associations.


Risk Assessment


As a result of considering such advice and guidance, Kingswood School has prepared a Risk Assessment in line with HSE guidance.  This risk assessment is subject to review in light of changing guidance from the HSE, the DfE, PHE and the LAs and the latest revision can be seen here:


Covid-19 Risk Assessment.pdf


Covid-19 Protocols


In line with the Kingswood School Covid-19 Risk Assessment, we have initiated a set of protocols which all staff, pupils and parents are expected to follow.  These protocols may be amended from time to time in line with any changes to the covid-19 situation and/or our risk assessment.  Our current protocols can be seen here.


Kingswood School Covid-19 Protocols.pdf


Wrap-around Care


Regrettably, we have had to suspend our Early and Late Room facilities for the time being as this would have necessitated mixing children from different "bubbles" which is contrary to our Covid-19 Risk Assessment and Protocols.